Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thrifty is the New Black

Finally we have found a new home. It's in a great neighborhood and has nearly everything we need. Like three bedrooms and a fenced yard for the pup.

Too bad we can hardly afford it.

I've said a few times that this current economic situation hasn't affected us much. You can't lose what you don't have, after all. But that's not really the whole story.

The state of the global economy affects everyone. For our family, it means that we've been forced out of our rental home of nearly four years and into one that costs nearly $200 more each month.

I have been searching for a new house since December. And I rejected some really good houses because the rent was $1050-1100 per month! Guess what we'll now be paying...

So while it's not the small stuff that gets you, it is a place to start. We've all agreed to cook at home more (in our tiny galley kitchen) and to pack lunches. What are you doing to save?


  1. Well, the house looks cute and the lawn looks nice, for what its worth.

    We have put ourselves on a strict budget and are sticking to it. I am also learning about these paper objects called coupons. Who knew??

  2. I just read the linked article. I gotta say, I disagree with that guy. Maybe for someone in his income range, that's true. But my hubby and I have recently set on a major cutback trend, and are watching our pennies in those little ways - cutting out dining out and cutting a few bucks a day off our lunch budgets...

    And it makes a big difference for us. Like I tell him, if we shave $20 a week off our general spending, that's $1000 a year in savings, and that IS a big chunk of credit card debt.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents (pun intended) worth.
