Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Have Your Peeps Call My Peeps

According to my daughter, who has friends of every sort, this is "Church Week." We're not a church-going family, so I was somewhat unaware that all of the seven days leading up to Easter are significant. Silly me--I thought it was just a three day thing. Isn't that how long Jesus ripened in a cave before the Resurrection?

I am well aware, however, of another week being celebrated: Peeps Week. My former college roommate, Vikki, has always been a fan of Peeps. On Sunday, she'll be debuting a Peeps movie she made and until then, each day on her blog is Peeps related. You might also want to take a look at her funny Xtranormal talk show "What's Hot?" .

Serious Eats is also celebrating Peeps Week! Check out their recipe for S'Meeps. Yummy.

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