Sunday, December 26, 2010


Today I began Medifast's Take Shape for Life program. I've eaten just one of my five Medifast meals for the day. It wasn't good. But I didn't really expect it to be delicious, so I'm okay. Chased the oatmeal with a cup of black tea hoping to mitigate the caffeine headache I'm likely to get without my morning (and mid-morning, and sometimes afternoon) cup of coffee or Pepsi.

The point of the program is to teach me a new way of eating. To erase all my previous conditioning and start fresh. My goal is 70 pounds, which is not impossible.

I also want to learn to run--and hula hoop. And swim and bike and rock climb and be stronger and healthier than I have ever been in my entire life.

Today's specific goals:
  1. eat on plan
  2. email my health coach, Jason
  3. clean out the food cupboard over the stove, putting back only what my family (not me) will actually eat

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