Friday, October 30, 2009

On Writing*

Leah from agirlandaboy just wrote yesterday about writing and publishing, a topic constantly on my mind. She's an actually working book editor so she sees a lot of writing--and even some Writing. She discusses whether every writer should make publishing a goal. It's an interesting thought.

One of the reasons I wanted to have a fresh start with my blog is to write consistently, perhaps even (nearly) every day. In this way I hope to find my voice. What is my style? What do I want to write about? Does a blog need a theme? Does an author? a publisher?

In addition to last week's milestone birthday, this is a good time for writing because November is both NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). These are writing challenges, either writing a 50,000 word novella in 30 days, or posting on your blog every day. In 2007 I attempted the novel and got about 5000 words into a story that I've had in my head since 2001. Last year I successfully posted on the old Cherry Bombastic blog each day in November. This year I'm making my own challenge.

Meet BloShoStoMo (Blog a Short Story Month). In the tradition of fusion cuisine and hybrid vehicles, it's a mashup. I'm going to post every day. But also try to complete the story begun two years ago as a short story in ten episodes. Two episodes are done, and several of the others have some text. At the end of November, I'd like to have the whole thing ready to be read as a cohesive whole.

One of my dreams is to produce this story myself, as a publisher. Including hand binding the book. I must think a lot of this story. That's what happens when something festers inside you for so long. It takes on mammoth proportions, gargantuan significance. Probably way beyond it's merit. (Perhaps I just won't create very many of these small books...)

You can't know if you're a Writer (or even a writer) if you don't write. I've wanted to be a writer my whole life. I stand in my own way by just not doing it. I read a lot. I admire what others write. I think about my own writing. But just don't seem to do much of it.

My new puppy doesn't usually sleep beyond 6am (except when he gets up at 4:30 and then is back to bed around 6). I'm going to use this early morning time to bust out the MacBook Pro (I love you so!) and write something. On the blog, or not. Good, or not. Just words on paper, one finger stroke and then another. With no one to judge said finger strokes, not which and certainly not how.

*This is the title of a book by Stephen King that I haven't read, but will get from the library. I've learned that I don't have to buy every book I want to read.

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